Entries by allwomen@obgyn

How do I find a cord blood collection company?

Many companies are now providing this service.  A list can be obtained at parentsguidecordblood.com.  More information can be found at viacord.com or cordbloodregistry.com.  When choosing,  look for a firm that has a good transplant history and that freezes the sample in their own facilities.

Is CA-125 a screening test for ovarian cancer?

There is no screening test that will tell you if you have ovarian cancer or not.  Doctors use CA 125 to help in diagnosis and in monitoring the treatment of women with ovarian cancer.  It helps in  evaluating the likelihood that a suspicious ovarian cyst is cancer or not.  Only when the cyst or ovary is removed and examined, you can be sure it is cancer or not

What is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)?

PCOS refers to a condition which hormones (androgens/estrogen) are overproduced by the ovaries.  In this condition, ovulation occurs sporadically.  The excess and not well organized hormones can cause a lack of a menstrual cycle, excess hair growth, obesity, acne, and insulin resistance.  As a result, women with PCOS are at a high risk of developing diabetes.

Is it okay to Douche?

It is not necessary to douche at all.  Douching can lead to changes in the environment of the vagina which can lead to infections such as Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) and yeast infections.  The vagina is a self-cleaning organ.  Also, if you already have an infection in the vagina, douching can spread this infection into your uterus and pelvic cavity.