How does my payment work?
Once you have seen the doctor and charges for your encounter have been posted, your insurance company will be billed. Following receipt of the explanation of benefits and payment, disallows, write-offs and discounts have been taken, or if there is a denial of the claim, you will be sent a statement for any balance due.
We will work with you on a payment plan for any unusual balances left unpaid. If you have a credit balance following final insurance payments, refunds are issued twice per month.
Special circumstances to this policy are prepayments required for global OB care and elective surgery
If no payment is received with your statement, follow up collection letters may be sent. On balances less than $50, we will ‘suspend’ the balance, which will become payable before you may resume care. Unpaid balances over $50 may be referred to a collection agency if there is no response to billings. In this event, you will be responsible for Collection, Court and/or Attorney costs. Failure to pay for services in a timely manner will result in termination of the physician-patient relationshio.
Termination of care may also result from noncompliance of recommended care including missed or multiple rescheduled appointments.